Saturday, December 5, 2009


Looks like there are two new converts to stationery towing. Last week I sold my favorite Falcon to a Las Vegas pilot, he and a fellow pilot came out to test fly the glider and got there first try at "scooter towing", they were so impressed with the smooth ez towing that I can soon see them with a tow rig of there own. They even vowed to return.
The day was good, dense air and a breeze 6-8 mph. This was the first day using the home made solar panels which is a whole new project in it's self. The panels are made from 144 individual cells soldered together in 4 panels of 36 cells. These are just half the panels I am planing. Wish I could afford to buy the panels pre-made but I built all the panels for less than what one pre-made one would have cost, well not counting 20 plus hours labor.
I only had about 3,000' of line out so the tows were around 800'-900' AGL we were joined by 4 of my ERAU students, they each got 4 tows apiece and the visiting pilots had 2 each. The last tow was a strong climb with an over 220lb pilot on a small glider he still got a 9oo' tow, but I have been vary hard on the old motor for quite some time, and not surprising has been getting hot and smelling a little ripe.
Some time has passed and a lot has taken shape with over 300 tows. Yes I smoked the motor, this was not surprising concerting it was an under sized vary used stock golf cart motor. That's the good news, the bad is I was programing the controller after replacing the motor and then the controller also smoked for no apparent reason luckily it is under warranty.
I have decided on a new Supex motor. Now that I have a proven platform and a base to work from it makes sense to build to the original plans which have a lot of head room built in. The motor I am mounting now is a monster it is 48V 2850rpm D&D with 17hp @ 600amps peak and 8hp continuous. This is a big increase over the 3.5hp Club Car motor which is vary similar to my old 250cc Honda scooter tow rig that I had over 4,000 tows on, and is now doing duty in Phoenix.
I can't wait to try it.